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​中西 美紀


  • Piano

  • Composing

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Born in Wakayama in Japan. Miki started learning the piano and the electric organ at the age of four.

In 1981 she got the second prize at the YAMAHA electric organ competition in Wakayama assembly.
After graduating from Osaka University of Arts Junior College for childhood education Miki became a qualified instructor of the YAMAHA music school for piano and electric organ.


In 1993 Miki moved to New York. She entered City College of New York in 1997. She studied Jazz with Ron Carter and classical compositions with David Del Tredichi along with private piano lessons under Craig Taborn. Received the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at CCNY in 2001.

In 2003 Miki participated in the New York Composers Circle. She performed her compositions at the Inaugural concert at St. Peter’s Church, the Gala concert at the Steinway Hall and more.
Miki is a performer, composer and experienced piano instructor. She loves music and children her entire life.

4歳より、YAMAHA音楽教室にてピアノとエレクトーンを習い始める。1981年、YAMAHA エレクトーンコンクール地区大会にて準優勝を受賞。大阪芸術大学短期大学保育科を卒業後、YAMAHA音楽教室にてピアノとエレクトーンの講師資格を習得し指導にあたる。
1993年渡米。1996年よりフリージャズピアニストCraig Taborn氏にジャズピアノを師事。1997年より、ニューヨーク市立大学音楽部ジャズ演奏学科においてRon Carter氏、及び作曲界の巨匠David Del Tredichi氏より学び、

2003年より、作曲家グループNew York Composers Circleのメンバーとなる。St. Peter's church, Steinway Hall など様々な場所で自作自演を行う。

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